Make Content Marketing Easy

Three small vases with flowers

I made this common mistake as a new business owner. Spending way too much time creating content and worrying about how perfect it is.

Recording Reels and spending hours scrolling on Instagram wasn’t moving the needle financially so I needed to spend less time on creating content.

As an online service provider or entrepreneur social media is a blessing and a curse. We have tons of online visibility.

If someone searches for us they can actually find us without putting ads in the paper or a billboard. The downside is saturation and feeding the algorithm more and more content.

Thankfully I’ve perfected creating content with less effort while still posting at least once a week on various social media platforms.

Here are my 4 tips to make content marketing easy for your business.

Create a Major Piece of Content

This big piece of content can be a blog post, article or podcast episode. Then you split up this piece of content into bite size chunks for social media posts.

So even if you create a blog post weekly or every other week you’ll still have enough content to post on social media without thinking of a new idea.

In addition to making your website more appealing and content marketing strategy easier this also makes your website more Google friendly. By providing updated and informative content your SEO rankings and how many people can find you online will improve too.

Use Apps and Shortcuts

I’m amazed by the number of people who think I spend a lot of time on the videos I post. I tell them my secret is an app that’s all over TikTok.

My biggest shortcut is using CapCut templates. CapCut is a video editing tool that makes creating videos easy. If you’re like me and don’t have a lot of time to waste creating content you’ll love them too.

Upload a background photo or video to the template of your choice, download the video and you’re done! The only part that takes some time is finding the right template for your business.

Batch Create and Idea List

Creating content in batches is great if you don’t have tons of time to dedicate for content creation. If you constantly forget to do this (raises hand) the next best thing is keeping an ideas list.

Whenever you have an idea, story or content idea write it down in your favorite text document. For me I use the Notes app on my phone. I have over 600 notes if you can believe it!

This way even if you didn’t batch create your content you do have a place to draw ideas from so you aren’t starting from scratch. My ideas list has saved me so many times when my mind totally blanks.

Repurpose and Repost

If you use CapCut this is another hidden perk. When exporting your video you can repost straight to TikTok or Instagram.

After posting there just repost to other social media platforms and you’re done! Create it once and then repurpose. I repost my videos on LinkedIn, Threads, Pinterest and Facebook.

If you’re worried about people seeing your content too much, they probably won’t and most people aren’t following all of your social media accounts.

How To Make Content Marketing Easy

I hope you’ll use these new ideas to create your content the easy way this year. From creating a big piece of content, repurposing and using shortcuts and apps like CapCut. This leaves you more time to focus on those other tasks in your business like launching your website.

If you’re ready to take tech off your to do list check out my template shop and web design packages and services.


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