This Book Started My Entrepreneurship Journey

I’ve always enjoyed reading so it is no surprise to me that reading a book at the right time can change your life.  

This is one of many reasons why I’ve always been a reader!

Flash back to the end of December 2020, you know that weird time between Christmas and New Years when everything seems kind of… weird? 

A lot of people are on vacation and have more free time. It seems like there is never really anything to do.

I was bored and picked up the library book I was reading. Sometimes I read business and mindset books for fun even though starting a business was the last thing on my mind.

I just love to learn! 

Everything is Figureoutable Started My Entrepreneurship Journey

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    Once I start reading this book I can’t stop. I get in the zone and just keeping racing through it chapter by chapter.

    This happens to me with a really good and engaging book where I don’t want to stop reading no matter what. I was definitely that kid who you would need to tell to stop reading and go to bed already!  

    Eventually I started taking notes and writing down the important and insightful lines so I wouldn’t forget them. One line that stood out the most spoke about regrets.

    The biggest regret older people have is not living a life true to themselves and letting others expectations dictate their choices. 

    That really hit home for me. As a recovering perfectionist, I’ve felt and heard the expectations others have for me loud and clear. 

    I’ve tried my best to stay on the solid, stable path hoping it would make me happy and successful. But my inner voice kept speaking up, slowly gaining confidence over the years. 

    Why not try another journey? This eventually led me to starting my own business.

    I highly recommend Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. If you need a mindset shift, are seeking motivation and guidance or feel stuck. Even if you don’t need any of those things I still recommend it. 

    Reading CAN change your life. 

    Now that you know about the book that started my entrepreneur journey I would like to hear from you. Let me know if you have read Everything is Figureoutable and what your favorite line is.


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