Why I Choose Squarespace for Web Design

Hi!  I’m Kristen the founder of Redesignia, lover of reading and dark chocolate, the creator of Square D.A.R.E. and a Squarespace web designer.

A few fun facts about me:

I love swimming.

I was on the YMCA swim team and swam for my high school team too. My love of swimming and skill helped me land my first job as a lifeguard.

I love flexing my creative muscles.

I'm in a creative design group where we design weekly in Photoshop or whatever medium we choose. Before that I also enjoyed creating collages from old magazines and hanging up these posters around my room.

I love to read and to learn something new every day.

I think it's important to keep expanding your mind and learning new skills. I've always been very curious about the world and people; one of the reasons why I studied psychology in college.

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    I love building websites.

    I’ve learned so much about Squarespace web design for the past 5 years and expanding that knowledge into building web design digital products.

    One question people always ask me is why Squarespace? There are so many different platforms to build a website.

    Why did I choose Squarespace?

    There are a few reasons but the main reason is because it's so easy to use! If you've ever tried coding a website from scratch you know how frustrating and time consuming it can be.

    Translating your big, bold design ideas from your head and putting them on the computer can be difficult and frustrating when you aren't an expert yet.

    I would know. This was the first method I tried when I wasn't focused on web design but just coding a website. Several years ago, I tried learning coding basics to make a website from scratch.

    Sometimes it was a fun challenge but other times it was just a challenge minus the fun. I had big ambitious goals trying to code and design a website from scratch with HTML and CSS.

    But the path to those dreamy, well designed websites I wanted to make was going to be long and painful. I thought I was just not motivated enough even though I really enjoyed learning how to code and creating websites. The method was so complicated and draining it left my brain in a fog if I tried to learn or code for too long. Eventually I got so frustrated and burnt out I quit and moved on to other projects.


    Squarespace is easy to use because you don’t need to know coding.

    When I first tried web design in Squarespace more than 5 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. I was just having fun messing around, editing and redesigning. I was looking for a creative outlet and side project since my job was not creative in the slightest.

    So when I started learning Squarespace web design, I was so relieved to discover how easy it was to make a website that looked great without all the coding.

    Let me know in the comments your web design experience. Have you tried learning to code or using Squarespace before? Or are you interested in designing your website but are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?


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